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Nanny Agencies >> Massachusetts Nanny Agencies >> Cultrual Care

Cultrual Care, a Nanny Agency in Brookline, MA

Name: Cultrual Care
Address: 146 Lancaster T
Brookline MA 02446
Contact Name: Charla
Contact Phone: 6179532203

Website: https://culturalcare.com/lcc/crudisill/


I am the Local Childcare Consultant (LCC) who will be working with you to find the best fit for your childcare needs. I am the local/neighborhood point person now and after your Au Pair arrives.

If you have any questions about Au Pairs, I would love to talk with you about this cultural exchange program. It is wonderful! I was an exchange student in the 1980's and had a great experience. I am still married to the boyfriend I met in Denmark! Cultural exchange is wonderful sharing the benefits and beauty of our country with others from around the world and learning about the Au Pairs’ country and culture. 

And as an LCC, I help families solve one of the most important challenges they face, finding the best fit for your childcare needs. Once your AP has joined your family, I provide the support for your family and your AP throughout the hosting experience.  With this program, your family becomes an integral part of an international community, and you will accompany your AP on one of the most transformative journeys of their (and your family’s) lives.

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