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  1. How to become a nanny

    Step 1: Know what is involved in being a nanny

    Being a nanny is a serious responsibility. While being a nanny can be quite similar to babysitting, much more is required of a nanny. Nanny positions may be just a few hours per week ... more

  2. Nanny Jobs

    A nanny provides the best possible care for children. Often specialized attention must be provided for each child. Nannies support the family by providing a loving, nurturing environment to the children, paying attention to their needs and show... more

  3. Side-by-Side Comparison of Sitter Websites

    There are more than 10 nanny and babysitter services that are actively in the world of internet. All of them are offering almost the same services. Below is the side by side comparison matrix of the 3 most well-known sitter paid sites and 1 fr... more