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Alabama Nannies and Babysitters

Below is listing of 5 most updated nannies and babysitters in Alabama. Use the links on the left to search for sitters in your city. You may also want to check out our listing for Alabama Nanny Agencies.

We have also partnered with SitterCity to help you gain access to a wide variety of benefits, such as:
  • Large babysitter database with mom-reviewed caregivers.
  • Excellent search options to refine your criteria.
  • Request free background checks, view photos, videos, and references..
  • Communicate with sitters right through the web site.
  • A low fee of $10 per month – a great deal for any family looking for responsible sitters

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Latest additions to Alabama nannies and babysitters:

Allison A
Alexander City, AL 35010
Biography: Hi! My name is Allison, I am a High School senior and experienced babysitter dedicated to providing safe care for children. I have watched kids every summer for 2 years but am looking for afterschool or weekend positions. Lets chat about ho... more
Stephanie H
Guntersville, AL 35976
Biography: I have been married to a man for 15 years now. I have two girls ages 5 and 8. I had a big family growing up for sisters and two brothers. ... more
Lakechia B
Troy, AL 36081
Biography: I love taking care of people.... more
Kaylee H
Troy, AL 36081
Biography: I have worked at a daycare before, I have done birthday parties and babysitting. I love kids and have no problem working with them. I also am good around animals such as dogs and cats.... more
Kristen H
Sheffield, AL 35660
Biography: My name is Kristen Harris and I've been married to my husband Ramsey Harris for a year now. I've always known that working with children is what I wanted to do with my life. It brings me joy to watch them grow up and take their first steps ... more

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