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Mississippi Nannies and Babysitters

Below is listing of 5 most updated nannies and babysitters in Mississippi. Use the links on the left to search for sitters in your city. You may also want to check out our listing for Mississippi Nanny Agencies.

We have also partnered with SitterCity to help you gain access to a wide variety of benefits, such as:
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  • A low fee of $10 per month – a great deal for any family looking for responsible sitters

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Latest additions to Mississippi nannies and babysitters:

Rylan P
Oxford, MS 38655
Biography: Hello Parents!! My name is Rylan Ponthier, I am currently a student at the University of Mississippi studying Communications, Sciences and Disorders. I have worked at a daycare for the past 3 years and have an immense passion for working wi... more
Tasha's A
McComb, MS 39648
Biography: I have many years of experience with caring for children.  I am currently a stay at home mom to a wonderful 1 yr old child that is my whole world which she shares that place with my husband to whom I have been married to for 8 years.... more
Lia W
Brandon, MS 39047
Biography: Hi! My name is Lia.  I'm a 26 year old female looking for a live in nanny position in the Hattiesburg area. I'm from South Africa & I would love to stay in Mississippi.  I have cared for kids for 5 years now ages ranging from ... more
Talicia H
Batesville, MS 38606
Biography: I am currently a Senior at South Panola High School. I have two years of experience working with young children. I have completed 2 years of the Early Childhood Education program at mt school. I also have experience in babysitting for famil... more
Elizabeth H
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Biography: I am very great with kids, I used to babysit for kids whose single parents lived in the shelter and had to work, I was always praised. They didn't pay for the time but they did give me there name to be used as a reference. I like reading, w... more

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