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Missouri Nannies and Babysitters

Below is listing of 5 most updated nannies and babysitters in Missouri. Use the links on the left to search for sitters in your city. You may also want to check out our listing for Missouri Nanny Agencies.

We have also partnered with SitterCity to help you gain access to a wide variety of benefits, such as:
  • Large babysitter database with mom-reviewed caregivers.
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  • Communicate with sitters right through the web site.
  • A low fee of $10 per month – a great deal for any family looking for responsible sitters

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Latest additions to Missouri nannies and babysitters:

Courtney J
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Biography: Hello my name is Courtney! I have 8 years of experience babysitting and nannying. I have watched kids ages 6 months to 15 years and I am comfortable with up to 4 kids at a time. I am CPR First Aide Certied and I have my L1MA license that al... more
Irene H
Arnold, MO 63010
Biography: Director Certification:  Community College of Aurora, Aurora Colorado St. Mary's Academy ELC, Littleton, CO  1991 to 1994 Licensed Family Childcare Home:  August 1994 to August 2012 Three Children and ten Grandchildren Lo... more
Jessica L
Washington, MO 63090
Biography: Hi, my name is Jessica. I am a responsible 22 year old who loves kids. I am the type of person who would rather be outside doing something active than sit inside watching TV an be on my phone 24/7. I am a mother-type figure, who is that ext... more
Maddisen H
Lathrop, MO 64465
Biography: I run the day car every Sunday at church and I'm really good with kids I love being around kids. If u have any questions feel free to call and ask.... more
Grace N
Florissant, MO 63074
Biography: Hello! My name is Grace. I have been working with children for 6 years now. I am currently a 2 and 3 year old teacher at my job. i been working at my job for 2 years now. i love children, and i love teaching children.... more

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