Mobile Mommies LLC On-site Special Event childcare service. Our childcare providers go to the location of the event and care for children ages infant to 12 yrs old including those with special needs. We set up at weddings, receptions, funerals and special events. Affordable rates.
+ Insured service
+ Background checked, fingerprinted, certified childcare providers
+ Customized services to meet your event needs
Go to our website for more information.
Only $25 to Save the Date for your event.
Over 13 years
Onsite temporary event childcare service at the location of the event.
or email for details.
Coordinate activities and childcare for events from 5-30 children
Supervise a staff up to 6 and maintain childcare registry of over 15 providers
Select, purchase, and load entertainment into mobile vehicle and transport to the event location
Select age appropriate toys, video games, movies, craft and books needed for entertainment
Ensure children are supervised and given a safe place to play while parents enjoy the event
Network with area hotel managers, event planners, wedding planners, small business owners
Attend regular workshops to learn about education curriculum for Pre-K through 6th grade
Connect, Seek Advice, Share Knowledge