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Home >> Colorado Nannies and Babysitters >> Amy-Beth F

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I have been caring for children and families for 20 years. I am originally a New Yorker who transplanted to Boulder when my daughter was five months old. She is now 14 and we live in a marvelous co-housing community in Lafayette. I am continually amazed at my good fortune to have landed in the perfect place to beautifully raise my child - and those of others! I am a solo parent, and have had to dig deeply into my psychic recesses to root out the conditioned ideas and knee jerk responses that come barreling to the surface when one is faced with the formidable task of parenting a young child. Added to my prior knowledge of child development and consequent studies in prenatal psychology and love-based parenting paradigms, I can be a huge resource to the families I work with, having developed tender compassion for and deep undertanding of both child AND parent behaviors!

Age: 60
Rate Range: $20.00
Capacity: 3
Child Age Range: infant on up


Rockefeller University Child and Family Center, N.Y., N.Y. 1994-1998                                        * Lead Teacher Infant RoomSupervised three assistant teachers and worked intimately with children 3 months to 1 year.                                                       *Assistant Director -Worked with Director to implement all aspects of our program. Worked with entire staff and all families. Held conferences for teachers and workshop groups for parents and teachers.

Moved from New York City to Boulder with five month old daughter Zoe, now 13!Stay at home Mom 1998-2002

“Baby Clinic”, Boulder, Co. 2002-2006                   Facilitated a once a month process group for infants – preschoolers and their families, working with pre and peri natal experiences and issues.

Rainbow Preschool, Boulder, Co 2006-2007  *Assistant Director, Teacher -At Rainbow, I was a full-time teacher, in charge of the oldest group of 4-6 year olds. I created and implemented curriculum and oversaw all daily activities .During my tenure, the Executive Director took a seven month maternity leave, and as Assistant Director, I was “Acting Director” in her absence. In addition to teaching, I supervised the staff, held conferences, attended Board Meetings and oversaw all aspects of the Child Care Food Program

Snow Lion Preschool, Boulder, Co. 2007-2011      *Lead Teacher -When Kristin Suppan, the school director, discovered she would not be able to be on SL premises full time due to a massive fund raising effort for a new school she had opened, she hired me for a year’s contract. I worked (alongside a second teacher) with 15  children, ages 2 1/2 – to 5 1/2, guiding them through the sometimes turbulent waters of lunch, story circle, nap-time and afternoon play. I had also extensive contact with parents, through daily interactions and formal conferences. After my full year there, I stayed on as a sub teacher in consequent years.

OUT AND ABOUT WITH AB 2008-2011                    Drop in summer and school holiday camp with day long excursions around Boulder County and Denver with small groups of children 6-12 years of age 

CONSCIOUS CHILD AND FAMILY CARE 2008 to present   Groups and personal counseling with parents, based on heart centered parenting principles. "Therapeutic" child care.




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Skills and Certification:

M.S. in Education, specialty: Infant/Toddler Development

Certificate: Pre/Peri Natal Pyschology

Instructor's Certificate: Beyond Consequences Parent Guide


School: NYU, Bank Street College
Major: Education
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Reading


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