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Utah Nannies and Babysitters

Below is listing of 5 most updated nannies and babysitters in Utah. Use the links on the left to search for sitters in your city. You may also want to check out our listing for Utah Nanny Agencies.

We have also partnered with SitterCity to help you gain access to a wide variety of benefits, such as:
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  • A low fee of $10 per month – a great deal for any family looking for responsible sitters

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Latest additions to Utah nannies and babysitters:

Cassie K
Ogden, UT 84404
Biography: Hi I'm Cassie, I am 28 years old. I have been a nanny for a toddler, 5 years old and 7 years old. I have worked at a day care for 4 years. I graduated from. BYU in recreation management. I know how to have fun! I am recently married. I am s... more
Virginia L
Clearfield, UT 84015
Biography: My name is Virginia and im 19. I graduated from high school 2016. I love babysitting children. I have babysat for neightbors and for family. I have volunteer for a day care at family connection center. ... more
Hailey G
Stansbury Park, UT 84074
Biography: My name is Hailey Greenland, I am 18 years old. I live in Stansbury Park Utah! I was on drill team all four years of high school! I graduated high school in May 2015. I also graduated from seminary. As long as I can remember, I was always e... more
Amanda H
Draper, UT 84020
Biography: My name is Amanda Harvey, I am 17 years old and I adore working with kids of any age. I will graduate high school in May and I plan to go to Utah State University in the fall on scholarship. I want to be a Special Education Teacher so any t... more
Kiersti W
Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Biography: I am a girl who has always loved kids from all around I am a nice,caring,loving,passionate,funny,honest woman. I try my absolute best when it comes to taking care of kids. I am the oldest of four and the oldest grandchild of thirtyfive. I c... more

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