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Virginia Nannies and Babysitters

Below is listing of 5 most updated nannies and babysitters in Virginia. Use the links on the left to search for sitters in your city. You may also want to check out our listing for Virginia Nanny Agencies.

We have also partnered with SitterCity to help you gain access to a wide variety of benefits, such as:
  • Large babysitter database with mom-reviewed caregivers.
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  • Communicate with sitters right through the web site.
  • A low fee of $10 per month – a great deal for any family looking for responsible sitters

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Latest additions to Virginia nannies and babysitters:

michylle s
gainesville, VA 20155
Biography: Hi my name is michylle stream im 28 years old i have over 10 years in childcare experience looking for a full time position working with children again..I have worked at many daycares including an in home daycare i feel its time i go back t... more
mirian m
lorton, VA 22079
Biography: My name is mirian mejia.I'm 19 years old.I graduated high school in the summer.... more
Juliana B
Dale City, VA 22193
Biography: I'm a U.S. citizen born in Ghana, where I lived until 1985.  My husband, Emanuel, and I live in Dale City and are active in our church in Alexandria where I am a Sunday School teracher.... more
Melody M
Chase City, VA 23924
Biography: Available to care for children of all ages (including preteens and teens), 7 days a week, day and/or night: including before and/or after school care, summer care, drop-ins, while out for the evening, day event, or while you are out of town... more
nahkida n
3927 caulder ct, VA 23224
Biography: hello I have two children. A girl that is 11 and a boy that is 7. I am currently looking for a babysitter that I can drop the kids off to in the morning that maybe they can catch the bus to and from school. Or maybe get dropped off at schoo... more

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